Pole and aerial fitness
Welcome to BEAC Pole & Aerial Art!
As the youngest sport department at BEAC, we welcome you to our polefitness, aerial fitness and balance classes. Here, we invite you to find your sport, dare to dream big, and go far beyond your own imagination.
Although hanging upside down in the air or balancing one foot on a totally unstable fitness tool may seem extreme and challenging at first, polesport, aerial fitness and balance are for everyone - regardless of age, gender, body type or fitness level.
Pole for passion. Fly for joy. Live for balance.
Which one to choose?
Good point! Learn some more about polefitness, aerial fitness (hoop, silk) and balance in a few sentences to help you decide!
How can you join?
Our classes are offered in multi-week sessions, adapted to the academic year, which you can join both at the start of each session or during the semester.
You can find our current extraculicular classes HERE in our timetable.
Our polefitness, hoop and aerial hammock courses available at Neptun are exclusively for beginners. You can register for these courses in Neptun during your university enrolment period.
As the sports organisation of Eötvös Loránd University, we offer special discounts for current and former ELTE students and ELTE staff. In addition, one of our main missions is supporting university sportlife, so from February 2023, students of all universities in Hungary are able to do pole and aerial sports with us at a special discount.
You can find more information about our prices on our online booking page, under the current season.
To activate your discount, you need to authenticate your account on beac.hu.
Where can you find us?
Facebook: BEAC Pole & Aerial Art
Instagram: @BEAC_pole_aerial
Want to know more?
If you get stuck somewhere in the registration process, or if you need more information about our classes, season passes and tickets or joining our classes, please don't forget to check our Facebook or Instagram pages, or do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We're happy to help you!
Hope to see you soon!
Contact Name: Marosi Móni - szakosztályvezető, edző
E-mail: [email protected]
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