University Athletics Club of Budapest
President: dr. Imre Hamar
1117 Bp., Bogdánfy u. 10./B
Bank account: 11711034-20023436
BEAC Office:
Budapest, XI. Bogdánfy u. 10/B., 1st stairway, 2nd floor
Phone: (+36-1) 209 - 0617
Email: [email protected]
You can pay only by cash in the office!
Hiring: ELTE Sport Ltd. (+36-1-209-0618) |
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 8:30-16:30
Opening hours in July/August:
Monday-Thursday: 8:30-16:30
Friday: CLOSED
Simon Gábor
Managing director
BEAC Office
Budapest, XI. Bogdánfy u. 10/B. 1st stairway, 2nd floor
Phone: (+36-1) 209 - 0617
E-mail: [email protected]
Virág Tünde
Financial administrator
BEAC Office
Budapest, XI. Bogdánfy u. 10/B. 1st stairway, 2nd floor
Phone: (+36-1) 209 - 0617
E-mail: [email protected]
Gombkötő Luca
Sport organizer
BEAC Office
Budapest, XI. Bogdánfy u. 10/B. 1st stairway, 2nd floor
Phone: (+36-1) 209 - 0617
E-mail: [email protected]