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Are you looking for a sport which is an outdoor activity and moves you everywhere? If you are, join to us!

The activities of the department are grouped around the following;

among the students, former students, outsiders, or acquaintances are also welcomed.

Within the ELTE Hiking course we organize hikes on the weekends within the semesters to the mountains nearby Budapest (Buda, Börzsöny, Gerecse, Vértes, Pilis, Visegrád Mts.). The hikes are mostly at beginner level on 5-20 km long distances. For experienced hikers we organize 20-30 km long, more difficult hikes also on weekends.

Completing a hike does require some strength and stamina, and a minimum endurance and physical fitness, but in return the atmosphere is always friendly and joyful. The hike leaders are trying to do their best at giving some extra geological, botanical, historical knowledge during the hikes. We often organize hikes along the National Blue hiking movement.

The Hiking Department members are, who are not course members, are not students or alumni members, hike leaders, friends, acquaintances, etc.

The members can participate free of charge in our organized hikes and get discount from the price of our performance hikes. MTSZ (Hungarian Hikers Alliance) sticker can be required for our members on annual basis.

Membership fee payment:

Bank transfer:

Imitated: Budapesti Egyetemi Atlétikai Club

Account number: 11711034- 20023436

Notice: Természetjárás tagdíj

IN PERSON on the hikes in cash:

Place: BEAC office, in opening hours

Information about memberships:

László Braun – Membership, membership fee administration

E-mail: [email protected]

Membership fee: 2000 HUF for calendar year (1st January-31th December)

The two well-known performance tours of the department are the Sárga 70 on May 1 and the XI. district 11 km. The latter will be held on November 11. The completion of these will also count as an opportunity to complete the course.

The Sárga 70 instant hike will also start this year, the completion of this will be counted in passing the course, too. The instant distances of the Sárga 70 will provide an opportunity to complete the hiking course.

A multi-day team building hike is organized every semester, which is the biggest attraction of the semester in terms of atmosphere.

Finally, hike rating is one of the tasks of the department.

Contact people:

László Braun – Membership, membership fee administration

E-mail: [email protected]

Péter Gál – organizer of the Hiking course

E-mail: [email protected]

Dávid Palotás – performance tours

E-mail: [email protected]

Dániel Pósch – hiker rating


László Braun

Csanády Gábor – Kurzusfelelős
E-mail: [email protected]

Hike leaders

  • Bódi Veronika
  • Braun László
  • Csanády Gábor
  • Frank Rudolf
  • Gál Péter
  • Hambuch Bertold
  • Józsa Róbert
  • Kocsis Dávid
  • Nagy Viktor
  • Palotás Dávid
  • Terecskei András
  • Vidéki Andor
  • Vincze Judit

Passing the Hiking course:

Those who have signed up for the Hiking course have several options to get the course completed. A total of 5 points must be earned during the semester. We organise two types of hikes: beginner (1 point) and advanced (2 points). Anyone can take part in the beginner hikes, but the advanced ones are more serious challenges, but still manageable with some stamina, determination and appropriate clothing. You have several options to complete the course:

1. You participate in guided hikes. The thematic is currently available on Neptun and sent in course e-mail, but you can find our semi-annual planned tours below.

Hikes to different regions are mainly organized on weekends, it can only fall on weekdays during the spring / autumn break or other teaching holidays. They will be posted on our FB page minimum of 1 week before the event. Depending on the difficulty, 1 or 2 points are awarded for one occasion. At the end of the tour, the hike leader asks for the Neptunecode of the participants so that we can identify the participating students.

The multi-day team builder is usually worth 3 points for full participation.

Semi annual planned trips:

2. There are also instant hikes that can be completed individually at any time during the semester. You need a smartphone to do this, you can use the GeoGo app to verify touch points as well as start / finish points. If you can, register with GeoGo with the email address you provided in Neptun to help you identify yourself. All information about using GeoGo is available at Our instant hikes are also 1 or 2 points, you can get them here:

Pilis and Visegrád Mts. (1. INSTANT HIKE)

Börzsöny Mts. (2. INSTANT HIKE)

Budapest (3. INSTANT HIKE)

Buda Mts. (4. INSTANT HIKE)

Budapest (5. INSTANT HIKE)

Börzsöny Mts. (6. INSTANT HIKE)

Buda Mts. (7. INSTANT HIKE)

Pilis and Visegrád Mts. (8. INSTANT HIKE)

Buda Mts. (9. INSTANT HIKE)

Pilis and Visegrád Mts. (10. INSTANT HIKE)

Gödöllő Hills (11. INSTANT HIKE)

Sárga 70 different distances (INSTANT HIKE)*

For tours marked with *, distance 70 is worth four, distances 30, 20A, 20B are two, and distances 15, 10 are worth one point.

Instant hikes can be completed at any time, for any number of times, or to complete the semester with instant hikes only, but we recommend participating at least one leaded hike for the sake of the atmosphere.

3. You can do some voluntary work in our community. You can do the following activities;

- take part in our rubbish collecting hikes for one point

In the semester calendar these will be highlighted in green

-or help the organizer team in the two performance tours of the department. It is a lot of fun, we give one point for a day, but the team spirit is much more valuable than that. We are also prepare surprise gifts for helpful students. These are also advertised on our Facebook page.

4. You certify your participation in various performance tours and hiking movements during the given semester. In this case, the score will be determined individually. Write to [email protected].


Our Facebook page:


Contact Name: Péter Gál- ELTE sport scholarship holder

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Name: Dávid Palotás- Endurance hike

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Name: Pósch Dániel- Hiking rating

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Name: Gábor Csanády- ELTE sport scholarship holder

E-mail: [email protected]

Passes available

FB IMG 1725127365488 0982e57021b3db42e488a8b21f846e59
Természetjárás 1 alkalmas jegy
1 500 - 18 000 Ft
Természetjárás 1 alkalmas jegy
FB IMG 1725127365488 0982e57021b3db42e488a8b21f846e59
Hiking cours pass 2024/2025 autumn
0 Ft
Free pass for students registered for Hiking course (in Neptun)
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2024/2025 őszi félév kurzus bérlet
0 Ft
A Természetjárás kurzust felvett hallgatók ingyenes bérlete
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Sárga70 teljesítménytúra póló
5 000 Ft
Sárga70 teljesítménytúra póló (pamut és technikai anyagból)

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