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Organising hiking trips for ELTE students (physical education course)

In the programme of the ELTE physical education we organise hikes in the regions around Budapest (Budai Hills, Vértes Hills, Pilis Hills, Visegrádi Hills) The hikes range from 5-20 km distances, easy or medium difficulty. 30 km long hikes are organised for advanced students and hikers at the weekends during the university semester.

Completing a hiking section does require some strength and stamina, but to compensate you, friendly atmosphere is always provided in our community. The hiking leaders always tryto do their best at providing some extra geological, botanical, historical knowledge during the hikes. We often organize hikes along the National Blue Trail/Circle hiking movement (OrszágosKéktúra/Kékkör). You might have the opportunity to travel to a spot far away from the capital city.

Completion of the hiking course

Students who signed up for hikes as an ELTE course

Passing the Hiking course:

Those who have signed up for the Hiking course have several options to complete the course. A total of 5 points must be earned during the semester. We organise two types of hikes: beginner (1 point) and advanced (2 points). Anyone can take part in the beginner hikes, but the advanced ones are more serious challenges. These are still manageable with some stamina, determination and appropriate clothing.

You have several options to earn 5 points:

First and foremost: buying a pass (free of charge for ELTE course members).

Click here. After the registration you will receive a QR code. Please always have the code with you on your phone/printed out. These is how we register and count how many events you have attended.

You may also choose from the following options.

  1. Taking part in our guided hikes at the weekends (advertised in advance) You can find our current hiking schedule here.
    The hiking trips are mainly organised at weekends in different regions of Hungary. A hike only falls on a weekday in the autumn and spring break/other school breaks, public holidays.
    The hiking trips are posted on our Facebook page minimum one week before the trip.
    Depending on the difficulty, 1 or 2 points are awarded for one occasion. At the beginning of the trip, you will be asked to show your QR-code. This is how our hiking leaders identify the participating students.
    You will earn 3 points for the multi-day hike (organised/semester) if you take part in the entire programme.
    One face-to-face participation is necessary/semester.
    Our planned hikes are available here.
  2. We also have pre-planned instant hikes that can be completed individually any time during the semester. To complete thesehikes, you only need a smartphone. Thanks to thee GeoGo app you can verify the checking points during the hike, so as well at the start and finish point. We recommend you register in the GeoGo app with the email address you are provided in Neptun to help you identify yourself.
    All information about using GeoGo is available at You have to download the app on your phone. After the registration choose the “Útvonalak a közelben” from the menu. After you have entered a filter icon appears on the right side. You can filter the hiking routs by clicking on this icon. Typebeac into “útvonal neve” and the instant hikes of our department will be listed. You can complete them any time and unlimited occasions individually during the semester. You can earn 1 or 2 points with our instant hikes. The maps for the tours are available in the app, but you can have a look at them here, too. During these hikes you must pass several checking points. The checking points are marked on the Alltrails map.
    Details of tracks:
  3. You can do some volunteering in our hiking community. You can choose from the following activities.
    - ZENO (zero waste - no problem) waste collection hikes – 1 point. These are highlighted with green in our schedule.
    - help the organizer team duringone of our hiking challenge days. It is usually a lot of fun. You are awarded 1 point, but your main point will be the team spirit. 😊 Year on year we prepare some surprise gifts for our helpful students. These events will be advertised on our Facebook page.
  4. You can take part in a hiking challenge tour/hiking movement in the semester not organised by ELTE-BEAC.You are required to justify your participation with the certificate issued at the event. We accept and you are given 1 point for a hike longer than 10 km. The only exceptions are our own hiking challenge tours in which we count the points based on the different distances.The certificates from other hiking events, hiking challenges, hiking movements must be sent to [email protected]

You can only complete the course by hiking. Other types of sport (e.g. running, canoeing) will not be accepted.

Our Facebook page- you can find the details about the hikes here.

Our Instagram

Our department has 2 well-known hiking challenge days, Sárga70 on 1st May and the XI. kerületi 11 km on 11th November. If you complete (one of) these, it will be calculated into your total 5 points.

A multi-day hike is organised every semester. In terms of social life, building relations this is the main attraction of the semester. Don’t miss it.


Contact Name: Dávid Palotás- Performance hikes, litter picking

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Name: László Braun-Membership, membership fee

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Name: Eszter Faragó-Neptun class

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Name: Péter Gál-Neptun class

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Name: Veronika Bódi-Neptun class

E-mail: [email protected]

Passes available

FB IMG 1725127365488
Hiking course pass 2024/2025 spring
6 000 Ft
Free pass for students registered for Hiking course
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Hiking passes
1 500 - 18 000 Ft
Hiking passes

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