Kempo is a mixed martial arts style that combines the most effective techniques of different styles. Its practitioners learn about boxing and the correct execution of kicks, Judo, wrestling ground moves and last but not least, an insight into the world of ground fighting.
Kempo also places great emphasis on street self-defence. It teaches you the right situational awareness so you can decide when and what to do. Whether it's escape or attack. We analyze different situations, whether it's a one-man or multi-man attack, an armed assailant...
The kempos society is a large, open and supportive community. It provides training opportunities for hobbyists, competitors, people with limited mobility, old and young alike. On demand camping, competitions and belt tests are available. Kemp is recommended for anyone interested in all or just one segment of the martial arts.
When? Monday and Wednesday | 18:00-19:00
Where? Nebo Dojo (1071, Budapest, Damjanich utca 25/B)
Facebook: Nebo Dojo - Kempo és MMA klub
Instagram: nebodojo
Contact Name: Jerger Barnabás
E-mail: [email protected]
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