"Sport is free!" - Spring Sport week
Start your semester with sports at BEAC!
Our open week (from 7th of February until 3rd of March) is the best opportunity to get to know the sporting opportunities offered by BEAC. Come and meet our young coaches and start excercising with your fellow freshers, friends and colleagues! Participation is free but registration is required at beac.hu: https://www.beac.hu/en//login.
Find the right form of sport for you! At our event you can try out more than 40 sports across Budapest. The training sessions will be held by ELTE sports organisers, scholarship holders, coaches and instructors from BEAC departments. During the open week all training sessions and sports are FREE for everyone to try out. Everyone has the opportunity to try out and learn about more than one sport. The event is mainly intended for ELTE students and staff, but everyone is welcome! Free sport, take the field!
Facebook event: Tavaszi Sport7 2023
Sport | Level | Time | Venue | Registration | Note |
Bodyshape aerobik | Mixed | 18:00-19:00 | ELTE Trefort Ágoston High School | Required [email protected] | Maximum 45 member |
Balance | Mixed | 20.00-21.00 | ELTE Apáczai Csere János High school | Man's gym (1053 Bp., Papnövelde u. 4.) | Required: [email protected] | - |
Funktional training | Mixed | 19:00-20:00 | ELTE Apáczai Csere János High school | Man's gym (1053 Bp., Papnövelde u. 4.) | Required: [email protected] | Maximum 20 member |
Running | Beginner | 16.30-17.30 | BEAC, Triathlon office (1117, Bp. Bogdánfy út 10, 3. staircase, 2nd floor) | Not required | More information: [email protected] |
Running | Advanced | 18.00-19.30 | BEAC, Triathlon office (1117, Bp. Bogdánfy út 10, 3. staircase, 2nd floor) | Not required | More information: [email protected] |
Goju-Ryu karate | Mixed | 17:15 - 18:45 | ELTE Radnóti Miklós School | 1146 Budapest, Cházár András utca 10. | Not required | - |
Hip-hop | Beginner | Advanced | 17.30-19.00 | Tánctemplom (1074 Budapest, Huszár u. 4.) | Required: [email protected] | Maximum 25 member |
Kick-box | Mixed | 19:00-21:00 | Mérnök street sport complex (1119 Bp, Mérnök utca 35.) | Not required | - |
Fat burning aerobics | Mixed | 18:30-19:30 | Tüskecsarnok, room 'B' (1117,Budapest, Hevesy György út) | More information: [email protected] | |
Fascia streching | Mixed | 19:00-20:00 | online | Required: [email protected] | - |
Sport | Level | Time | Venue | Registration | Note |
Bodyshape aerobik | Mixed | 17:30-18:30 | Tüske Energy room(1117, Hevesy György út) | Required: [email protected] | - |
Bodyshape circuit training | Mixed | 18:00-19:00 | ELTE Apáczai Csere János high school | Woman's gym (1053 Budapest, Papnövelde utca 4-6.) | More information: [email protected] | - |
Brazil Jiu Jitsu | Mixed | 16.20-17.50 | Mérnök street sport complex (1119 Bp, Mérnök utca 35.) | Not required | - |
Cheerleading (akrobatics) | Beginner | 18.30-20.00 | Ludovika Sport hall (1089 Budapest, Diószegi Sámuel utca 25.) | Not required | - |
Cheer dance | Beginner | 18.30-20.00 | Ludovika Sport hall (1089 Budapest, Diószegi Sámuel utca 25.) | Not required | - |
Pilates | Mixed | 18:30-19:30 | NKE Aerobics room (1089 Budapest, Diószegi Sámuel utca 25., Ludovika Sport hall, mirror room) | Required: [email protected] | Maximum 30 members |
Kung fu/Tai Chi | Mixed | 17:30-19:00 | Medgyessy school (1039 Medgyessy Ferenc u. 2-4.) | Not required | More information: [email protected] |
Modern dance | Beginner | 18:00-19:15 | Mérnök street sport complex (1119 Bp, Mérnök utca 35.) | Not required | Maximum 50 members | More information: [email protected] |
Modern dance | Intermediate | 19:15-20:30 | Mérnök street sport complex (1119 Bp, Mérnök utca 35.) | Not required | Maximum 50 members | More information: [email protected] |
Muay thai | Mixed | 17:00-18:00 | Nebo Dojo, 1071 Damjanich utca 25 /B | Required [email protected] | Maximum 10 members. |
Box | Mixed | 18:30 - 20:00 | Soroksári street Tesco | Grád Boxing Family Box room | More information: +36304573611 | [email protected] | - |
Chess | Mixed | 18:00-20:00 | ELTE 0825-0827 room (1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A) | Not required | More information: [email protected] |
Swimming | Mixed | 18.00-19.00 | Tüske swimming pool (1117, Bp. Magyar tudósok körútja 7) | Registration is required: [email protected] | Maximum 10 person. |
Swimming | Mixed | 19.00-20.00 | Tüske swimming pool (1117, Bp. Magyar tudósok körútja 7) | Registration is required: [email protected] | Maximum 10 person. |
Swimming | Intermediate | 12.15-13.15 | Tüske swimming pool (1117, Bp. Magyar tudósok körútja 7) | Registration is required: [email protected] | Maximum 8 person. |
Swimming | Advanced | 6.00-7.30 | Hajós swimming pool (Bp. Margitsziget) | Registration is required: [email protected] | Maximum 5 person. |
Aerial hammock & silk & pole | Mixed | 14:00-17:00 | Sunlightroom Studia (Budapest, Korponai u. 1/a, 1101) | Required: [email protected] | - |
Stretching | Mixed | 19:00-20:00 | Apáczai high school | women's gym (1053 Bp., Papnövelde u. 4.) | Required: [email protected] | - |
Athletics | Mixed | 17.00-19.00 | BME Sport complex(1117 Bp., Bogdánfy u. 12.) | Not required | - |
Sport | Level | Time | Venue | Registration | Note |
Argentin tangoo | Beginner | 18:00-18:45 | Soon | Not required | Note: Joining the class depends on the time of arrival. Maximum limit is 30 participants/group. Come with or without a partner. Non-sticky shoes are suggested. |
Argentin tangoo | Beginner | 18:45-19:30 | Soon | Not required | Note: Joining the class depends on the time of arrival. Maximum limit is 30 participants/group. Come with or without a partner. Non-sticky shoes are suggested. |
Fascia based yoga | Mixed | 17:30-19:00 | Apáczai high school | women's gym (1053 Bp., Papnövelde u. 4.) | Required: [email protected] | Limit: 30 people |
Running | Beginner | 14.00-15.00 | BEAC, Triathlon office (1117, Bp. Bogdánfy út 10, 3rd staircase, 2nd floor) | Not required | More information: [email protected] |
Running | Advanced | 18.00-19.30 | BEAC, Triathlon office (1117, Bp. Bogdánfy út 10, 3rd staircase, 2nd floor) | Not required | More information: [email protected] |
Spine training | Mixed | 19:30-20:30 | Szent Margit high school | small mirror room | Required: [email protected] | Limit: 20 people |
Goju-Ryu karate | Mixed | 17:15 - 18:45 | ELTE Radnóti Miklós high school | 1146 Budapest, Cházár András utca 10. | Regisztráció nem szükséges | - |
Volleyball | Mixed beginner | 18:00-19:30 | Apáczai high school | men's gym (1053 Bp., Papnövelde u. 4.) | Required: [email protected] (required informations: name, training, venue) | 18 people can register for 1-1 training session, everyone will receive a confirmation email. Meet at the school entrance 15 minutes before the start of the training session. |
Kick-box | 19:00-21:00 | Mérnök street sport complex (1119 Bp, Mérnök utca 35.) | Not required | - | |
Volleyball | Mixed intermediate | 19:30-21:00 | Apáczai high school | men's gym (1053 Bp., Papnövelde u. 4.) | Required: [email protected] (required informations: name, training, venue) | 17 people can register for 1-1 training session, everyone will receive a confirmation email. Meet at the school entrance 15 minutes before the start of the training session. |
Pilates | Mixed intermediate | 18:00-19:00 | ELTE Trefort Ágoston high school | More information: [email protected] | Limit: 45 people |
Polefitness | Mixed intermediate | 15.30-19.00 | Bogdánfy street sport complex, mirror room(1117, Budapest, Bogdánfy utca 10/B) | Registration: [email protected] | - |
Swimming | Mixed | 18.00-19.00 | Tüske swimming pool (1117, Bp. Magyar tudósok körútja 7) | Registration is required ([email protected]) | Max 10 ps/ session |
Swimming | Mixed | 19.00-20.00 | Tüske swimming pool (1117, Bp. Magyar tudósok körútja 7) | Registration is required ([email protected]) | Max 10 ps/ session |
Swimming | Advanced | 12.15-13.15 | Tüske swimming pool (1117, Bp. Magyar tudósok körútja 7) | Registration is required ([email protected]) | Max 8 ps/ session |
Balance | Mixed | 16:30-17:30 | Apáczai high school, women's gym (1053 Bp., Papnövelde u. 4.) | Required: [email protected] | - |
Aerial hammock & silk & pole | Mixed | 19:30-21:30 | Sunlightroom Studio(Budapest, Korponai u. 1/a, 1101) | Required: [email protected] | - |
Athletics | Mixed | 17.00-19.00 | BME Sport complex (1117 Bp., Bogdánfy u. 12.) | Not required | - |
Sport | Level | Time | Venue | Registration | Note |
Brazil Jiu Jitsu | Mixed | 16.20-17.50 | Mérnök street sport complex (1119 Bp, Mérnök utca 35.) | Not required | - |
Cheerleading (akrobatics) | Beginner | 18.30-20.00 | Ludovika Sporthall (1089 Budapest, Diószegi Sámuel utca 25.) | Not Required | - |
Cheer dance | Beginner | 18.30-20.00 | Ludovika Sporthall (1089 Budapest, Diószegi Sámuel utca 25.) | Not Required | - |
Funktional circuit training | Mixed | 19:00-20:00 | ELTE Apáczai Csere János high school | men's gym | Required: [email protected] | Limit: 20 people |
Women's futsal | Mixed | 20:00-21:30 | Tüskecsarnok, room 'B' | Not required | Limit: 20 people |
Belly dance | Advanced | 18:00-19:00 | Tánctemplom (1074 Bp., Huszár u. 4.) | Not required | - |
Hastánc | Intermediate | 19:00-20:00 | Tánctemplom (1074 Bp., Huszár u. 4.) | Not required | - |
Hastánc | Beginner | 20:00-21:00 | Tánctemplom (1074 Bp., Huszár u. 4.) | Not required | - |
Hip-hop | Beginner / intermediate | 16.30-18.00 | ELTE Mérnök street sport complex(1119 Budapest, Mérnök u. 35.) | Required: [email protected] | - |
Interval training | Mixed | 18:00-19:00 | ELTE Apáczai Csere János high school | women's gym (1053 Budapest, Papnövelde utca 4-6.) | More information: [email protected] | - |
Volleyball | Mixed intermediate | 17:30-19:30 | Radnóti high school, men's gym (1146, Bp. Cházár András utca 10.) | Required: [email protected] | Limit 17 persons I Limit 17 person. Please arrive at least 10-15 minutes before the training session due to the low capacity of the changing rooms. |
Kung fu | Mixed | 17:30-19:00 | Medgyessy high school | 1039 Medgyessy Ferenc u. 2-4. | Not required | More information: [email protected] |
Modern dance | Beginner | 18:00-19:15 | Mérnök street sport complex (1119 Bp, Mérnök utca 35.) | Not required | More information: [email protected] | Limit: 0 50 people |
Modern dance | Intermediate | 19:15-20:30 | Mérnök street sport complex (1119 Bp, Mérnök utca 35.) | Not required | More information: [email protected] | Limit: 0 50 people |
Muay thai | Mixed | 17:00-18:00 | 1071 Damjanich utca 25 /B, Nebo Dojo | Required: [email protected] | Limit: 10 people |
Box | Mixed | 18:30 - 20:00 | Soroksári streetTesco | Grád Boxing Family Box room | More information: +36304573611 or [email protected] | - |
Spinal training | Mixed | 18:30-19:30 | NKE Aerobics room (1089 Budapest, Diószegi Sámuel utca 25., Ludovika Aréna, Mirror room) | Required [email protected] | Limit: 30 people |
Pilates | Mixed | 19:00-20:00 | Tüskecsarnok Harmony room (1117, Budapest, Hevesy György út) | Required: [email protected] | Limit: 20 people |
Swimming | Mixed | 18.00-19.00 | Tüske swimming pool (1117, Bp. Magyar tudósok körútja 7) | Required: [email protected] | Limit: 15 people |
Swimming | Mixed | 19.00-20.00 | Tüske swimming pool (1117, Bp. Magyar tudósok körútja 7) | Required :[email protected] | Limit: 10 people |
Swimming | Advanced | 6.00-7.30 | Hajós swimming pool (Bp. Margitsziget) | Required :[email protected] | Limit: 5 people |
Aerial hammock & silk & pole | Mixed | 18:30-20:30 | Sunlightroom Studio (Budapest, Korponai u. 1/a, 1101) | Required: [email protected] | - |
Athletics | Mixed | 17.00-19.00 | BME Sport complex (1117 Bp., Bogdánfy u. 12.) | Not required | - |
Sport | Level | Time | Venue | Registration | Note |
Bodyshape zumba | Mixed | 18:30-19:30 | Tüskecsarnok Energy room (1117, Budapest, Hevesy György út) | Registration: [email protected] | Limit: 20 people |
Darts | Mixed | 19:00-21:00 | CDFŰ Darts room (1053 Bp., Fejér György utca 1) | Not required | - |
Volleyball | Mixed beginner | 17:00-18:30 | Radnóti high school, men's gym (1146, Bp. Cházár András utca 10.) | Required: [email protected] | Limit 18 persons I Limit 18 person. Please arrive at least 10-15 minutes before the training session due to the low capacity of the changing rooms. |
Fat burning aerobics | Mixed | 18:00-19:00 | Radnóti high school, women's gym (1146, Bp. Cházár András utca 10.) | More information: [email protected] | - |
Aerial hammock & silk & pole | Mixed | 14:00-17:00 | Sunlightroom Studio (Budapest, Korponai u. 1/a, 1101) | Required: [email protected] | - |
Athletics | Mixed | 17.00-19.00 | BME Sport complex (1117 Bp., Bogdánfy u. 12.) | Not required | - |
Sport | Level | Time | Venue | Registration | Note |
Hiking | vegyes | 9:05 | Buda- hill | Not required | Tour leader: Gábor Csanády ([email protected], +36305175646) Meeting: at 9:05 at Széll Kálmán Square at the bus stop of bus 795/19 to Zsámbék |