"Sport is free!" - Spring Sport week
Start your semester with sports at BEAC!
Our open week from 7-11 February is the best opportunity to get to know the sporting opportunities offered by BEAC. Come and meet our young coaches and start excercising with your fellow freshers, friends and colleagues! Participation is free but registration is required at beac.hu: https://www.beac.hu/en//login.
Find the right form of sport for you! At our event you can try out more than 40 sports across Budapest. The training sessions will be held by ELTE sports organisers, scholarship holders, coaches and instructors from BEAC departments. During the open week all training sessions and sports are FREE for everyone to try out. Everyone has the opportunity to try out and learn about more than one sport. The event is mainly intended for ELTE students and staff, but everyone is welcome! Free sport, take the field!
Sport | Level | Time | Venue | Registration | COVID immunity certificate |
Aerial | Mixed | 15.30-18.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, mirror room) | [email protected] | Required |
Cardio-intervall body shaping | Mixed | 19.00-20.00 | Szent Margit High school (1114 Bp. Villányi út 5-7.) | Not required | Required |
Athletics | Advamced | 17.30-tól | Bogdánfy street sthletics track | Not required | Not required |
Balance training | Mixed | 19.30-20.20 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, TT4 room) | [email protected] | Required |
Boulder climbing | Mixed | 13.00-15.00 | Gravity Boulder Bar, Mammut I, 3. floor | [email protected] | Not required |
Functional training: (TRX, Kettlebell) | Mixed | 18.00-19.00 | ELTE Apáczai Csere János High school (1053 Budapest, Papnövelde utca 4-6.) Man's gym | [email protected] címen | Required |
Running | Beginner | 16.30-17.30 | BEAC groundfloor, room 11, 1117 Bp., Bogdánfy Ödön út 10. | Not required | Not required |
Running | Intermediate | 18.00-19.00 | BEAC groundfloor, room 11, 1117 Bp., Bogdánfy Ödön út 10. | Not required | Not required |
Spine yoga | Beginner | 16.30-18.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, TT4 room) | Order of arrival | Required |
Spine yoga | Advanced | 18.00-19.30 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, TT4 room) | Order of arrival | Required |
Goju-Ryu karate | Mixed | 17.15-18.45 | ELTE Radnóti Miklós School (1146 Bp., Cházár András u. 10) | Not required | Required |
Hip-hop | Mixed | 18.00-19.30 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, TT3 room) | [email protected] | Required |
Aerial hoop | Mixed | 15.00-18.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, small gym) | [email protected] | Required |
Kick boksz | Mixed | 19.00-21.00 | ELTE Mérnök street sport complex (1119 Bp. Mérnök utca 35.) | Not required | Required |
Polefitness | Mixed | 19.30-21.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, mirror room) | [email protected] | Required |
Swimming | Beginner | 18.00-19.00 | Tüske swimming pool (1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok zsákutcája 7) | [email protected] | Not required |
Swimming | Intermedite | 19.00-20.00 | Tüske swimming pool (1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok zsákutcája 7) | [email protected] | Not required |
Waterpolo | Advanced | 19.00 | Hajós Alfréd Swimming pool (Margitsziget) | [email protected] | Not required |
Fat burning aerobics | Mixed | 18.00-19.00 | Trefort Ágoston High school (1088 Bp., Trefort u. 8.) | [email protected] | Required |
Sport | Level | Time | Venue | Registration | COVID immunity certificate |
Aerial | Mixed | 15.30-19.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, small gym) | [email protected] | Required |
Bodyshape aerobics | Mixed | 17.00-18.00 | ELTE Mérnök street sport complex (1119 Bp. Mérnök utca 35.) | Not required | Required |
Balance training | Mixed | 19.00-20.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, TT4 room) | [email protected] | Required |
Boksz | Beginner | 17.00 | Grád Boxing Family (1097 Budapest, Koppány u. 2.) | Not required | Not required |
Boulder climbing | Mixed | 13.00-15.00 | Gravity Boulder Bar, Mammut I, 3. floor | [email protected] | Not required |
Brazilian Jiu jitsu | Mixed | 16.30-18.00 | ELTE Mérnökstreet sport complex (1119 Bp. Mérnök utca 35.) | Not required | Required |
Cheerleading | Beginner | 18.30-20.00 | Ludovika sporthall (1089 Bp., Diószegi Sámuel u. 25) | HERE | Required |
Cheer dance | Beginner | 18.30-20.00 | Ludovika sporthall (1089 Bp., Diószegi Sámuel u. 25) | HERE | Required |
Running | Advanced | 18.00-19.30 | BEAC groundfloor room 11, 1117 Bp., Bogdánfy Ödön út 10. | Not required | Not required |
Kung Fu | Beginner | 17.30-19.00 | 1039 Budapest, Medgyessy Ferenc u. 2-4. (Medgyessy school small gym, lobby ) | Not required | Required |
Futsal (woman) | NB2, MEFOB | 20.00-21.30 | Tüskecsarnok, room B | [email protected] | Required |
Aerial hoop | Mixed | 15.00-20.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, mirror room) | [email protected] | Required |
Basketball | Mixed | 19.00-tól | Szent Margit High school (1114 Bp. Villányi út 5-7.) | [email protected] | Required |
Modern dance | Beginner | 18.00-19.00 | Mérnök street sport copmlex (1117, Mérnök utca 35.) | Not required | Required |
Muay-thai | Mixed | 17.00-18.00 | Nebo Dojo (1071 Bp., Damijanich u. 25/B) | Not required | Not required |
Woman's yoga | Mixed | 17.30-19.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, TT4 room) | Order of arrival | Required |
Pilates | Mixed | 18.30-19.30 | NKE Aerobik room (1089 Bp., Diószegi Sámuel u. 25) | [email protected] | Not required |
Polefitness | Mixed | 15.00-20.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, mirror room) | [email protected] | Required |
Chess | Mixed | 18.00-20.00 | ELTE Déli tömb, 826-827-es terem (1117 Bp., Pázmány Péter sétány 1C) | Not required | Required |
Spinning | Mixed | 18.00-19.00 |19.00-20.00 | BEAC spinning room (1117 Bp. Bogdánfy u. 10/B) | Order of arrival | Required |
Orienteeing | Beginner | 9.00-11.00 | Meeting point: 47.52569164546659, 18.93499026791783 (Budakeszi Wildlife Park car park) | [email protected] | Not required |
Swimming | Intermediate | 19.30-20.30 | Tüske swimming pool (Budapest, Magyar tudósok zsákutcája 7, 1117) | [email protected] | Not required |
Swimming | Advanced | 06.00-07.30 | Hajós swimming pool, Margitsziget | [email protected] | Not required |
Full body fat burn aerobics | Mixed | 18.00-19.00 | Apáczai Csere János High school (1053 Budapest, Papnövelde u. 4.) | Not required | Required |
Sport | Level | Time | Venue | Registration | COVID immunity certificate |
Aerial | Mixed | 17.30-20.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, mirror room) | [email protected] | Required |
Ahletics | Advanced | 17.30 | Bogdánfy street athletics track | Not required | Not required |
Argentin tangoo | Beginner | 18.00-18.45 | 18.45-19.30 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, TT4 room) | [email protected] | Required |
Table tennis | Mixed | 18.00-21.00 | Mérnök street sport complex (1117, Mérnök utca 35.) | [email protected] | Required |
Balance training | Mixed | 16.20-17.20 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, TT4 room) | [email protected] | Required |
Boulder climbing | Mixed | 13.00-15.00 | Gravity Boulder Bar, Mammut I, 3. floor | [email protected] | Not required |
Fascia yoga | Mixed | 17.30-19.00 | Ludovika fencing room(1083 Budapest, Üllői út 82.) | [email protected] | Not required |
Futsal (man) | NB2, MEFOB | 18.30-20.00 | Tüskecsarnok, room B | [email protected] | Required |
Running | Beginner | 16.30-17.30 | BEAC groundfloor, room 11, 1117 Bp., Bogdánfy Ödön út 10. | Not required | Not required |
Running | Intermediate | 18.00-19.00 | BEAC groundfloor, room 11, 1117 Bp., Bogdánfy Ödön út 10. | Not required | Not required |
Goju-Ryu karate | Mixed | 17.15-18.45 | ELTE Radnóti Miklós School (1146 Bp., Cházár András u. 10) | Not required | Required |
Aerial hoop | Mixed | 15.00-17.30 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, mirror room) | [email protected] | Required |
Kick boksz | Mixed | 19.00-21.00 | ELTE Mérnök street sport complex (1119 Bp. Mérnök utca 35.) | Not required | Required |
Pilates | Mixed | 18.00-19.00 | Trefort Ágoston High school (1088 Bp., Trefort u. 8.) | [email protected] | Required |
Pilates | Mixed | 19.30-20.30 | Szent Margit High school (1114 Bp. Villányi út 5-7.) | Not required | Required |
Polefitness | Mixed | 15.00-17.30 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, Mirror room) | [email protected] | Required |
Volleyball | Beginner | 18.00-19.30 | Apáczai Csere János High school (1053 Budapest, Papnövelde u. 4.)- girl's gym | [email protected] | Required |
Volleyball | Intermediate | 19.30-21.00 | Apáczai Csere János High school (1053 Budapest, Papnövelde u. 4.)- girl's gym | [email protected] | Required |
Swimming | Beginner | 18.00-19.00 | Tüske swimming pool (Budapest, Magyar tudósok zsákutcája 7, 1117) | [email protected] | Not required |
Swimming | Intermediate | 19.00-20.00 | Tüske swimming pool (Budapest, Magyar tudósok zsákutcája 7, 1117) | [email protected] | Not required |
Sport | Level | Time | Venue | Registration | COVID immunity certificate |
Aerial | Mixed | 18.00-21.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC mirror room) | [email protected] | Required |
Bodyshape aerobics | Mixed | 18.30-19.30 | [email protected] | Nor required | Required |
Balance training | Mixed | 16.00-17.00 | 17.00-18.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, TT4 room) | [email protected] | Required |
Box | Mixed | 17.00-tól | Grád Boxing Family (1097 Budapest, Koppány u. 2.) | Nor required | Nor required |
Boulder climbing | Mixed | 13.00-15.00 | Gravity Boulder Bar, Mammut I, 3. floor | [email protected] | Nor required |
Brazil Jiu jitsu | Mixed | 16.30-18.00 | ELTE Mérnök street sport complex (1119 Bp. Mérnök utca 35.) | Nor required | Required |
Cheerleading | Mixed | 18.30-20.00 | Ludovika sporthall (1089 Bp., Diószegi Sámuel u. 25) | HERE | Required |
Cheer dance | Mixed | 18.30-20.00 | Ludovika sporthall (1089 Bp., Diószegi Sámuel u. 25) | HERE | Required |
Functional training: (TRX, Kettlebell) | Mixed | 18.00-19.00 | ELTE Apáczai Csere János High school 1053 Budapest, Papnövelde utca 4-6. man's gym) | [email protected] | Required |
Running | Advanced | 18.00-20.00 | Helyszín: BEAC fszt. 11. room, 1117 Bp., Bogdánfy Ödön út 10. | Nor required | Nor required |
Futsal (man) | NB2, MEFOB | 17.00-18.30 | Tüskecsarnok, room B | [email protected] | Required |
Futsal (Woman) | NB2, MEFOB | 20.00-21.30 | Tüskecsarnok, room B | [email protected] | Required |
Spine training | Mixed | 19.00-20.00 | Tüskecsarnok Harmony room | Nor required | Nor required |
Belly dance | Beginner | 19.30-21.00 | Tánctemplom | 1074 Budapest, Huszár u. 4. (Vénusz room) | Nor required | Nor required |
Hip-hop dance | Mixed | 16.30-18.00 | ELTE Mérnök utcai sport complex (1119 Bp. Mérnök utca 35.) | [email protected] | Required |
Interval training | Mixed | 18.00-19.00 | Apáczai Csere János High school (1053 Budapest, Papnövelde u. 4.) | Nor required | Required |
Aerial hoop | Mixed | 14.30-18.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC,mirror room) | [email protected] | Required |
Moderndance | Beginner | 18.00-19.00 | ELTE Mérnök utcai sport complex (1119 Bp. Mérnök utca 35.) | Nor required | Required |
Muay-thai | Mixed | 17.00-18.00 | Nebo Dojo (1071 Bp., Damijanich u. 25/B) | Nor required | Nor required |
Polefitness | Mixed | 14.30-18.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, mirror room) | [email protected] | Required |
Polefitness (streching and development) | Mixed | 18.00-19.30 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, TT4 room) | [email protected] | Required |
Volleyball (man) | Advanced | 18.00-19.30 | ELTE Radnóti Miklós School (1146 Bp., Cházár András u. 10)- man's gym | [email protected] | Required |
Chess | Mixed | 17.00-19.00 | BEAC corridor in front of the gym (1117 Bp., Bogdánfy u. 10/B) | Nor required | Required |
Spinning | Mixed | 18.00-19.00 |19.00-20.11 | BEAC spinning room (1117 Bp. Bogdánfy u. 10/B) | Order of arrival | Required |
Swimming | Intermediate | 19.30-20.30 (meet 15 minutes before class in the lobby) | Tüske swimming poll (Budapest, Magyar tudósok zsákutcája 7, 1117) | [email protected] | Nor required |
Swimming | Advanced | 06.00-07.30(meet 15 minutes before class in the lobby) | Hajós Alfréd swimming pool (Margitsziget) | [email protected] | Nor required |
Waterpolo | Adveanced | 19.00 | Hajós Alfréd swimming pool (Margitsziget) | [email protected] | |
Fencing (duel) | Mixed | 12.00-15.00 | OSC Fencing room (1052 Bp., Semmelweis u. 2.) | Nor required | Nor required |
Sport | Level | Time | Venue | Registration | COVID immunity certificate |
Aerial | Mixed | 15.30-17.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, mirror room) | [email protected] | Required |
Athletics | Advanced | 17.30-tól | Bogdánfy street athletics track | Not required | Not required |
Balance training | Mixed | 17.00-18.00 | 18.00-19.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, TT4 room) | [email protected] | Required |
Aerial hoop | Mixed | 15.30-20.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, mirror room) | Not required | Required |
Basketball (woman) | Mixed | 18.00-19.30 | Grosics Gyula Sport school (1119 Budapest, Bikszádi utca 11-15.) | [email protected] | Required |
Basletball (man) | Mixed | 19.30-21.00 | Grosics Gyula Sport school (1119 Budapest, Bikszádi utca 11-15.) | [email protected] | Required |
Polefitness | Mixed | 17.00-20.00 | 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/B ( BEAC, mirror room) | [email protected] | Required |
Volleyball | Beginner | 17.00-18.30 | ELTE Radnóti Miklós School (1146 Bp., Cházár András u. 10)- girl's gym | [email protected] | Required |
Volleyball | Intermediate | 18.30-21.00 | ELTE Radnóti Miklós School (1146 Bp., Cházár András u. 10)- girl's gym | [email protected] | Required |
Floor gymnastics | Mixed | 19.30-21.30 | PPKE- Ground flooe gym (1088 Bp., Szentkirályi u. 26) | HERE | Not required |
Zumba | Mixed | 18:30-19:30 | Tüskecsarnok Harmony room | [email protected] | Not required |
Sport | Level | Time | Venue | Registration | COVID immunity certificate |
Hiking | Mixed | 9.00-17.00 | Meeting point: Szentlélek tér, Bus station bus number 218 | Not required | Not required |