Get moving in summer with BEAC Aerobics

Get moving with BEAC Aerobics in summer! From 1 June we've got a new class schedule at BEAC Aerobics to keep you in shape during the summer months!
With the BEAC Aerobics Summer Pass you can also exercise with us between 1 June and 2 September. During this time the instructors of the class will be waiting for you in 3 locations with 5 classes per week and 5 different types of classes!
Locations:ELTE Mérnök utcai Sporttelep (1119 Bp., Mérnök u. 35.)
National University of Public Service (1089 Bp., Diószegi Sámuel u. 25.)
Budapest University Athletics Club (Open-air training | 1117 Bp., Bogdánfy u. 10/A-a, grassy area next to the football fields)
Class types: body shaping aerobics | fat burning aerobics | interval training | back exercises | pilates
Summer pass:
BEAC Aerobics summer season ticket available HERE.
There is no separate PEST and BUDA season ticket for the summer season, the summer season ticket allows you to attend all classes.
Pass prices (01.06.2022- 02.09.2022):
ELTE summer season ticket: 13 000 HUF
Summer season ticket: 20 000 Ft
* ELTE students, employees, alumni and residents of the 11th district can buy a season ticket at a reduced price.

SUMMER TIMETABLE (01.06.2022 - 02.09.2022)
18:00-19:00 | Shaping aerobics | Location: ELTE Mérnök street sport complex
18:30-19:30 | Pilates | Location: National University of Public Service - Mirror room
18:00-19:00 | Fat-burning aerobics | Location: ELTE Mérnök street sport complex
18:00-19:00 | Gymnastics | Venue: BEAC- Grass area next to the football fields
19:00-20:00 | Interval training | Venue: BEAC- Grass area next to the football fields

Summer Love open training on 1 July
Try BEAC Aerobics classes for free on 1 June! Summer Love summer kick-off workouts will be held again this year in two locations. You'll have the chance to try a sweaty fat-burning workout at the Mérnök Street Sports Complex, or an all-over fun spine workout outdoors. Visit one of our workouts and get into the summer with BEAC Aerobics!
On 1 June we'll give you 500 HUF off all season ticket purchases. Buy your season ticket on this day and get your summer off to a great start with a workout provided by BEAC Aerobics!
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/event...