These trainings move to other places:
-Monday 18.00-19:00 Fat Burning: From 30. Oktober it will be organized in Szent Imre Highschool NOT in BEAC! The location of our new place: Szent Imre Highschool-Budapest, Villányi út 27, 1114
-Tuesday 17:00-18:00 Spine Training: From 24. Oktober it will be organized in Tüske Energy room NOT in Mérnök street! The location of our new place: Tüske hall Energy room- Budapest, Magyar Tudósok Körútja 7, 1117
-Friday 18:00-19:00 fat Burning: From 20. Oktober it will be organized in Tüske Energy room NOT in BEAC! The location of our new place: Tüske hall Energy room- Budapest, Magyar Tudósok Körútja 7, 1117
If you have any questions please write to [email protected]!